December at develop.

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December: the festivities begin, office parties are back and we’re preparing for Santa’s arrival. While we’re excited to celebrate with friends, family, and colleagues in person once again the develop team are using this as a chance to give back to our community.

The festive season is a time for giving to those who are less fortunate as well as spending time with loved ones. Each quarter we have a companywide charity day and this quarter we’re having an office reverse advent calendar supporting four charities, one for each week of December.

A reverse advent calendar is quite simply the opposite of a traditional advent calendar, each day instead of eating chocolate each morning or receiving a present everyone on our team is going to put aside an item each day to donate. 

Our four charities of choice are: Dress for Success, Suited and Booted, Little Village, and The Trussell Trust. 

Dress to Success empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Suited and Booted is a charity based in London that helps vulnerable, unemployed, and low-income men, to get into employment by providing suitable interview clothing donated by companies and professionals. 

The Trussell Trust is a food bank nationwide that provides emergency food and support to people via more than 1,200 centres in the UK. 

Little Village provide clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of five.

develop care about the community we live and work in and can’t wait for our next charity day in 2022. 

We’re wishing everyone a very happy holiday this December. 

*In December 2021 we donated over 130 items to our four chosen charities. 

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